Saturday, August 24, 2013

Media junkies.

Young boys are tempted to a life of crime,due to what they see on the media

The media is supposed to be a platform that informs or educates the youth, but the way I see things it’s misleading them. “Movies like Jerusalem and How to steal how two million” are some of the reasons I decided to blog about this issues. As I was watching these movies I saw so many prominent faces and sadly some of those people are our role models. So tell me if a young boy is watching how to steal R2 million and he sees his role model hijacking a car or rather killing another human being for his/her money, what will happen? Obviously he will do the same because he saw it from his role model forgetting that that guy is only doing his work. This refers to the uses and gratification theory in communication sciences that focuses on media audiences who actively select media to satisfy their particular needs. In this case they will see crime as a “cool” thing and start to engage; unfortunately the disadvantages of crime are lesser than the advantages.
Having a criminal record can impact your life in numerous ways. It may jeopardize your ability to gain employment, buy a home, obtain custody over your children, travel, immigrate or even find new friends. In the legal world, these repercussions are known as the "collateral consequences of criminal charges" or the "four C's." Given the far-reaching consequences of having a criminal record, you may want to consider having your record expunged or pardoned.

*Volunteer to mentor young people who need positive support from adults. Programs ranging from Big Brothers and Big Sisters to Adopt-a-School include mentoring as a central ingredient.
*Talk with children in the neighborhood about what worries or scares them and about where and how they have felt threatened by violence. Interview teachers, school staff, crossing guards, and bus aides.
The media needs to ban such movies because they tend to promote crime.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ignorance kills the youth.

 Is it ignorance or lack of knowledge?
They say say "WE" are a lost generation,I disagree we just a generation that is striving for perfection.
There are many challenges the youth face issues like gang rape,alchol abuse and the one I  am touching here which is the issues of young girls dating sugar daddies. The answer to the above questions is IGNORANCY,Yes the youth is very ignorant when coming to serious matters.They often commit themselves to things that wont benefit them in the long run.Why does a minor have to date an older man so that she can benefit materially?I have realised that teens are very materialistic and they want things quickly.This leads them to being dependant and not knowing how to support themselves

The issue lies within the societal norms that they have to adjust to.According to the statistics the tertiary students especially girls are the one's that are affected by this matter.Majority of them end up dropping out of school and some end up having babies plus a bonus which is HIV/AIDS.

I know you might be asking yourself that what does this matter have to do with Public relations and the answer is one of the job description for this profession is to create awareness and by touching such issues I am making them aware thae these issues are there and how are they going to stop nor ignore the tempations they come across.What can we do as a young society or as a whole to change that or rather help them?

These are some strategies we going to implement:
  • Establishment of awareness campaigns
  • Educate the unfortunate victims and the fortunate one's that did not fall in the trap
  • Collaborate with NGO's like LoveLife and start a movement for them